The majority of WEB's Women's Services run from 10-12 Bentinck Street in Birkenhead and are run by a friendly team of staff and volunteers. In order to access any of our services, you must first receive a one to one welcome session, please click here for a referral form. Once we have received this we will contact you to arrange a welcome session.
We offer several services for women from age 18 upwards including:
One-to-One Listening Support & Signposting
Talk to a trained woman in confidence. We work with lots of partners within the local community, the council and health care services, and in addition to our own services, can often point you in the right direction to access advice and services from other organisations.
One-to-One Therapeutic Counselling
One to one therapeutic services are delivered in a safe space. All WEB’s counsellors are qualified; or are Final year Counselling Diploma students working towards their final year Diploma counselling hours. Counselling is delivered at our house located on Corporation Road.
Confidence and Self-esteem Training*
You can learn how to improve your self esteem and confidence, manage your stress levels, and take genuine steps to move towards a brighter future. Find out more here.
The Reading Womb*
Funded by the Cheshire & Merseyside Women & Children’s Services Partnership, "The Reading Womb" is a programme supporting women who are 12 weeks or more pregnant and struggling with their mental health.
Research has shown that people who join in shared reading groups experience an improvement in their mental health, have improved levels of concentration, have a better emotional understanding and are better able to discuss meaningful issues about themselves.
If you are struggling,why not join us for a relaxing supportive session enjoying shared reading of stories specifically for you to connect with other pregnant women, to feel good and to live well. There will be good conversation and refreshments and we will also have a chance to read to your baby.
For more information contact infoThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone 0151 653 3771.
Funded by People Tree Project 
WEB's Sunshine Prescription and Soul Food Sessions
WEB’s Women’s Sunshine Prescription Service enables women from a variety of backgrounds to come along to the centre and experience a safe, non-judgemental space in which to come together with other women, have fun and learn new skills. Our Sunshine Prescriptions and 'Soul Food' projects mean all activities are designed to give people a boost to their confidence and overall emotional well-being. Activities can include anything from arts and crafts, to a trip out to the cinema, to aromatherapy massage. On alternative weeks, we run our mini-training sessions which allow the women to have a taste of some of the more in depth training we offer, such as learning about mindfulness, stress management, the importance of gratitude etc.
In partnership with and
WEB are excited to offer a brand new sunshine session to support mums and female carers who have children with diverse needs. It will allow parents a time each week just for them, where they can relax, make new friends and develop new skills. Diversity Plus runs every Friday from 10am - 1pm.
At all of our groups you will get a lovely lunch provided free of charge!
UPDATE: Temporary Closure of 3 of our weekly women’s groups:
Please note that WEB’s 3 year National Lottery Funding came to an end 31st March 2023 and unfortunately WEB has been unable to secure any further funding to staff 3 of the 4 weekly therapeutic ‘Women’s Sunshine & Soul Food Sessions’. As a consequence, WEB’s CEO and trustees have made the very difficult decision to temporarily close these groups at the end of December 2023 until further funding is secured.
WEB is aware that the cost of living crisis is heavily impacting so many families. Approximately 15 women attend each of WEB’s 3 x weekly therapeutic group sessions, so we are painfully aware this will have a negative impact on the health and well-being of 45 women and their families, each and every week of the closures.
Please note that women’s weekly Diversity + group is unaffected, with ‘Thanks to Cradle to Career’ who have agreed to fully fund this group and its 1-1 & welcome sessions for a further year.
WEB will continue to provide 1-1 welcome sessions for women, as well as crisis listening appointments, therapeutic counselling services and contracted training
Trauma and Bereavement Training*
Designed for both men and women who have experienced bereavement and loss through trauma related events. The exploration and healing process will take place through ‘experiential’ programme of support using a mixture of therapeutic arts, sand play, music, poetry, and meditation. This course focuses on the ‘healing of the trauma’ as opposed to ‘replaying the trauma’. WEB’s Bereavement & Trauma workshops is accessible to all who have suffered bereavement and loss by violence, crime, and suicide related deaths and losses. Also, individuals who may have been through the ‘trauma of being removed from their families and communities and who have been through the care system’ (we recognise some of those losses may also be through long term imprisonments). At WEB, we recognise that the impact of trauma is devastating and far reaching, affecting individuals, whole families, and often the wider community. This therapeutic and experiential workshop will work at the pace of each ‘individual’ as we realise each healing journey is unique to each individual. This healing workshop will be facilitated by experienced and qualified counsellors who are trained in ‘working creatively with trauma’.
*Subject to funding